Imaging Media Stockroom & Student Lab Information
Access policies for the Imaging Media Stockroom and specific imaging media labs are listed below. These policies are subject to change upon review of faculty of the Department of Communication Technologies.
The Imaging Media Stockroom
The Imaging Media Stockroom houses and maintains equipment supporting the Communication Technologies Imaging Media emphasis. you must be trained and authorized before being allowed access to most of the stockroom and laboratory equipment. This authorization takes place in rebular classes or during a scheduled training workshop.
Classes will always be given priority to equipment that is in limited supply.
A maximum number of hours per week that a user is allowed to sign out any given type of equipment may be imposed. These hours may change from semester to semester based on the demand and the classes being offered.
Please allow at least 15 minutes to check out equipment. When returning equipment, wait until your checkout is cleared.
Please remember, the use of the Imaginig Media Stockroom and laboratories outside of your class is a privilege.
Care and Safety of User and Equipment
The Imaging Media Stockroom allows you to check out equipment that is often costly. The following guidelines have been developed to help ensure the safety of both the user and the equipment. Please take the following precautions.
Protect Yourself and Your Valuables
Keep a watchful eye on the equipment you check out. Do not leave equipment unattended -EVEN AT SCHOOL. If you are not using the equipment, lock it away in a secure place.
Do not leave equipment lying on the seat or in plain sight in your car. If you leave the equipment unattended, make certain to securely lock it out of sight, in the trunk.
You are financially responsible for full replacement value of any equipment damaged, lost, or stolen while checked out in your name.
User Responsibility
When you check out a piece of equipment from the Imaging Media Stockroom, please remember you are now responsible for the equipment until it is returned. We ask that you double check the equipment listed on the agreement until it is returned. We ask that you double check the equipment listed on the agreement form also check the equipment you are taking with you. Equipment typically comes with a list of contents. Make sure that all the accessories on the list are inside the kit. Upon return of the equipment, if any items are missing or the equipment is damaged, YOU WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FULL REPLACEMENT COST.
Equipment from the Imaging Media Stockroom is NOT INSURED. The user is responsible for equipment regardless of loss, theft, damage, etc. This is confirmed by your checkout.
Most personal homeowner and renter's insurance policies do not cover any type of equipment that does not belong to you, without requesting and additional rider. We do encourage you to research this information more extensively for yourself.
The Imaging Media Stockroom serves as an equipment resource for students who have
Completed a Liability Contract form.
Been authorized to use an area, or piece of equipment by a faculty member.
Authorizations for equipment and facilities are generally good for one calendar year. Authorizations that are specific to individual classes will be good for one semester.
No outstanding fee or monies owed to the Department of Communication Technologies.
Before You Check Out Equipment From The Stockroom
You must have already been authorized for the equipment you wish to take out.
Plan ahead! Before you come to check out equipment, you should know what it is that you wish to use. Please allow at least 15 minutes to check out equipment.
Equipment can be checked out for a peirod of 24 hours during the week or 72 hours over the weekend. Thursday return by/on Monday.
All equipment that is checked out should be thoroughly inspected for damage and/or missing parts and accessories. Check to make sure that your equipment is working properly. Notify the lab assistant if there is a problem with your equipment before you leave the lab.
When checking out equipment, pay close attention to the return date.
To renew a piece of equipment that you have checked out, bring the equipment to the Imaging Media Stockroom BEFORE the original return time. If the equipment is not reserved for someone else or needed for class, it may be renewed. EXTENSIONS WILL NOT BE GIVEN OVER THE PHONE OR VIA EMAIL.
Equipment is expected to be returned in the same condition it was checked out in. This means: all equipment should be returned in its case and with all accessories, in neat and proper order, all cables should be coiled and tied, all surfaces are clear of tape, absolutely no equipment will be accepted if it is wet or dirty, batteries should be fully charged if appropriate.
You are responsible for the equipment you have checked out. If a piece of equipment is stolen, lost, or returned damaged, broken, or with missing parts you will be held financially liable and will be filled accordingly.
Therefore, Equipment should NEVER be left unattended. Return or lock all equipment before going to lunch, dinner or class.
Never lend your equipment to anyone else. You are liable for any damage or problems incurred.
You are responsible for familiarizing yourself with the Imaging Media Stockroom schedule.
Late Equipment and Fines
Returning equipment late causes a great inconvenience to other students or classes who may need access to this equipment.
If equipment is returned late, you will be required to pay a fine before you can check out anything else. The amount of the fine is $5.00 per day for every day the equipment is overdue.
If you know that you are going to be late due to circumstances that are beyond your control, please contact the department of Communication Technologies at 608.342.1627.
If Equipment Malfunctions, Breaks, or Has Any Problems
Let the Imaging Media Stockroom know as soon as possible!! The sooner we know about broken or malfunctioning equipment, the sooner we can get it fixed.
Willful and deliberate abuse will always incur a charge at full replacement value, regarless of the age or condition of the damaged equipment.
General Conduct
Students are not allowed in the Imaging Media Stockroom under any circumstances.
Imaging Media Stockroom employees will treat students with respect and professionalism and should be treated with the same in return. Rude, abusive behavior, or harassment of any sort will not be tolerated and could result in academic probation and/or use of the stockroom and labs revoked.
Equipment may only be resered for Communication Technologies Imaging Media courses.
Between semester breaks, the Imaging Media Stockroom will close for inventory and cleaning. No equipment will check out during inventory.
Lab Policies, Procdures, and Health and Safety Regulations
Students are responsible for keeping all work areas clean. If you are working in a classroom or the darkroom, you are responsible for making sure that the area is clean and orderly before you leave. Any trash or personal items should be removed and any spills should be cleaned up.
You must be currently enrolled in a photo class or have successfully completed introductory and intermediate photo classes in order to have access to the Photo area equipment and the darkrooms.
In General:
Darkroom space is available on a first come, first served basis. Scheduled classes have proirity to the darkroom and processing area. You may be asked to leave your work area if a class is meeting there. Pay attention to class meeting times when scheduling your work time.
If there is any problem in the darkroom while you are working (i.e. your enlarger is not working properly, or there is an electrical, plumbing or chemistry problem, notify a laboratory monitor immediately!
When safelights are first turned on they must be allowed time to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes.
White Lights come on 30 minutes before the darkroom closes. You'll need time to wash & dry prints. Plan to finish on time!
Darkroom rules are posted - follow them!
Do not leave the darkroom while your prints are in the chemistry. NEVER leave test strips or prints in the chemistry or holding bath. If you don't want something throw it out!
It is your responsibility to communicate and cooperate with others working in the darkroom to ensure that the chemicals are taken care of, and that the area is left clean and orderly. CONSCIENTIOUS, THOUGHTFUL AND ATTENTIVE BEHAVIOR SHOULD BE PRACTICED IN THE DARKROOM AT ALL TIMES.
If you notice anyone behaving in an inconsiderate manner, mistrating the equipment, or not following the darkroom rules and guidelines, tell the lab monitor immediately.
It is important that everyone follow the same protocol (i.e. processing times and order) when processing a black and white print. This information is posted above the sink. Use the tongs gently! Let your prints drain completely before moving them from tray to tray - not letting them drain fatigues the chemistry quickly. Tongs should not be moved from tray to tray.
Always use a tray when moving wet print around the darkroom, and when carrying prints to the drying area.
Conscientious, thoughtful and attentive behavior should be practiced in the darkroom at all times. Always turn your enlarging lamp off before changing the lens, negative carrier or the filter.
Before leaving, you must remove all test strips, clean up all garbage and extra paper, make sure all your prints are out of the chemistry, turn off your elarging timer, starighten up your enlarger setup, easel, lens, grain focuser, etc. Remember to dry all trays.
If you notice any spills in the lab, tell a lab monitor or Imaging Media faculty member immediately!
If you notice anyone behaving in an inconsiderate manner, mistreating the equipment, or not following the darkroom rules and guidelines, tell a lab monitor or faculty member immediately.
You are responsible for cleaning up all trash, paper, test strips, and personal belongings before leaving the lab areas.
You must sign in on the Darkroom Log in Russell Hall 110 before you begin working.
If you are the first person in the darkroom: you must set up the trays, mix your own chemistry, and set out tongs.
If you are the last person in the darkroom: you must cover, label, and date all good chemistry, dispose properly of exhausted chemistry, clean all trays, tongs, and sink area, and make sure the general work area is clean and tidy.
Film processing should be done in teh designated processing areas only, and over the sink! You will be asked to clean up any spilled or dripped chemistry.
Common film processing times are posted in the darkroom. Other processing information may be available at the Stockroom as well. Pleask ask if you don't see the film & developer combination you need.
All film processing equipment must be COMPLETELY DRY before it is returned to the stockroom. Use the dtrying cabinet to dry all your tanks and reels, or towel dry.
Film should be removed from the drying cabinets as soon as it is dry. Film left overnight will be tacked to the wall outside the darkroom. Students are advised to not begin processing unless they can wait for their film to dry.
Print Washing
Please conserve water and guard agains flooding at all times!
When washing prints, you must stay in the darkroom area. Never leave running water unattended for more than five minutes at all time.
Print Drying
The print dryer is for RC prints only.
Fixer Issues
Film fix can be found in the right silver tank above the film-developing sink. When done fixing your film, dump the resulting fix into used film fix containers. Used film fix containers should primarily be found near the film-developing sink. If you need to fill the tray to fix your photograph prints, use the fix found in the working paper fix container. This fix is ready-to-use, and should not be diluted. This paper fix needs to be checked frequently (using hypo-check or unprocessed film) to be sure it is still capable of fixing.
You can check the fix or ask the lab assistant to test the fix. Directions for 2 differnt methods of checking fixer are posted in teh darkroom.
Exhausted fixer should be funneled into a bottle labeled EXHAUSTED PAPER FIX.
Please remember that used fixer contains liquefied heavy metals that are bad for the environment - Please remember to always recycle. NEVER EVER POUR USED FIXER DOWN THE DRAIN!
Health and Safety Resources and Support
HAZCOM TRAINING - Materials safety is a concern for all members of the Communication Technologies Imaging Media community. Hazcom training provides useful informtion on the potential hazards presented by the materials often used by artists in various media. All students who wish to use the darkrooms or processing areas are required to be properly trained before being allowed to access to the facilities.
Outside visitors and students are not currently enrolled are not allowed in the darkroom or processing area. Please do not ask. Bringing in anyone not cleared for the area or currently enrolled will result in the loss of darkroom access for all involved. Enrolled students who are not working in the darkrooms or processing area will be allowed to visit other students in the area as long as they do not interfere with anyone else.
Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS), and information on what to do in case of an emergency. You must follow their instructions.
You must notify a laboratory monitor if you feel ill at any time while using the darkrooms or processing area.
Lockers in the darkroom maybe used by any student enrolled in a photography class. Locker space is available on a first come, first served basis. Please post your first and last name to the outside of your chosen locker. Lockers without names will have locks cut. Students are responsible for emptying locker contents by the last day of the spring semester. Notices will be posted to remind you of this deadline. all contents not removed by the posted date will become the property of the department of Communication Technologies, Imaging Media emphasis.
Sensitive or highly personal materials should not be sotred in your locker. All locker contents must comply with materials-safety regulations. The Communication Technologies Imaging Media department cannot be responsible for damages to the contents of your locker under any circumstances. The deparment reserves the right to search the contents of your locker as a necessary for safety and health reasons.
Mac Lab
The Macintosh computer lab is an area with three rooms of computers, scanners, printers, etc. for classroom instruction and assignment based use. Computer classes are given priority in the Mac labs for scheduled class times during the academic year. Whenever computer classes are not scheduled the labs are available to students. Monitored lab sessions are Monday-Thursday, 5:00-10:00pm, and Sunday 5:00-10:00pm, subject to change at anytime.
Access when classes are not in session is subject to maintenance needs. A lab monito is available to assist during lab hours. However, they are not instructors and are responsible for providing software instruction. The department and school's computer use policy must be adhered to while using equipment in this area.
Macs with Imaging Media software are also located in the Bears Den of the Pioneer Student Center. The Office of Information Technology determines access to these computers. Issues with these computers should be reported to the Help Desk x1400. Additional computers are for Internet access, e-mail, and work processing are located in the library and Pioneer Student Center.
Printing in Russell Hall 120
Access to the printers in Russell Hall 120 is available to authorized users with a positive balance, and a Materials Usage Account. Current price list available each semester
All prints made are counted against your balance.
Course Expenses and Supplies
University policy provides that each department is responsible for providing students with laboratory equipment, processing chemistry and the facilities necessary to complete required laboratory assignments without a lab fee. Materials, which the individual student consumes of an individual or personal nature, however, are to be purchased by the student (i.e. photographic film, photographic paper, mat board, mounting tissue, negative sleeves, etc.)
Materials maybe obtained during Imaging Media Stockroom hours or in-class at instructors discretion. This meant to be a convenience, it can serve most basic supply needs, items are stocked at instructors' requests. Prices are competitive with other major art-supply store. Current price list available each semester.
The first week of the semester, each student deposits a specified amount toward materials using a three-part invoice obtained from the instructor or the Imaging Media Stockroom. Fees are paid at the cashier's office - Brigham Hall. Copies of the invoice are distributed as follows:
White copy - Student
Yellow copy - Cashier
Pink copy - Instructor / Material Usage Account Book
3 Items for Use With Your Account:
1. "Materials Usage sheet"
2. Invoice
3. Current lab materials price list
To Set Up Your "Materials Usage Account"
1. Complete the invoice and deposit money at the Cashier’s Office, second (2nd) floor in Brigham Hall.
2. Return the pink copy of this invoice and staple it to the blank “Materials Usage sheet,” file this sheet alphabetically by last name in the Material Usage Account binder for your specified course.
3. During each lab, students are responsible for recording the materials used: subtracting daily costs from the balance on the materials usage sheet.
If at anytime during the semester, should the balance fall below zero dollars ($0), obtain a new invoice from the instructor, pay additional funds and secure the pink invoice above the original.
At the end of the semester, the instructor will review the “Materials Usage” sheets and make refunds where warranted.
Failure to pay fees in a timely manner or to maintain the “Materials Usage” sheets in a clear and accurate manner may result in the loss of our money and / or the grade F.
Money owed to the department of Communication Technologies will be paid prior to the distribution of any course materials, including digital printing.